Title: Beyond the Algorithm: Integrating Gen AI to Enhance Your Professional Practices
Presenters: Christy Moss, VP of Marketing and Business Development at the University of Illinois Alumni Association and Adjunct Instructor
Presentation Slides: Coming Soon!
Video Link:
Title: Affiliate Structure and Engagement (LA, MT, ME Space Grants)
Presenters: Colleen H. Fava (LA), Meredith Hacker (MT), Terry Shehata (ME)
SG Comms WG Intro Slides:
Presentation Slides: Fava – Oct P3 Slides – LaSPACE Affiliate Structure and Engagement 20241021 | Hecker – Oct P3 Slides – Montana Space Grant Engaging Affiliates| Shehata- Oct P3 Slides – Maine Space Corporation 10-21-24
Video Link:
Title: Exploring Evaluation Measures for Space Grant Behind-the-Scenes Labor (August 2024 P3 Flyer)
Presenters: Kathryn Williamson, PhD – Consultant with Alabama Space Grant
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: CommsWG-P3 Aug 2024 Opening Slides
Presentation Slides: Evaluating Behind-the-Scenes Labor Slides
Video Link:
Title: NASA Robotics Alliance Grant to Expand the Aerial Drone Competition (June 2024 P3 Flyer)
Presenters: Todd Ensign (NASA IV&V Education Resource Center; Faculty, Fairmont State University, WVSG Affiliate)
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: CommsWG-P3_June_2024
Agenda Slide (Todd Ensign): Agenda for ADC Expansion Grant Talk for Space Grants
Presentation Slides (Louann Cormier): Starting an Aerial Drone Competition Team June 2024 (NASA)
Additional Content: Video of 2023 championship event at Fairmont State:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw1dm0cSdCc&t=1s
Video Link:
Title: Implementing Drone Programs at your SGC
Presenters: Chris Carter (Virginia SGC), and Danielle Hagen, Keanno Fausto, and Jonelle Sayama (Guam SGC)
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: CommsWG-P3_Feb_2024
Presentation Slides: VSGC_Presentation
Presentation Slides: UOG_Drone_Corps_February_2024_P3_Videos_Linked
Additional Content: VSGC_GeoTEd_UAS_summary_of_UAS_instructional_resources
Video Link:
Title: Professional Development Opportunities for Educators
Presenters: Jobi Cook (NC SGC), Michaela Lucas (NE SGC), and Celena Miller (TX SGC)
SG Comma WG Intro Slides: CommsWG-P3 Jan 2024 1
Presentation Slides: Celena_Miller
Presentation Slides: Jobi_Cook_NCSEA_P3_session_1.22.24
Video Link:
Title: Cohort Model for External Evaluation
Presenters: Discussion Led by Melanie Page & Lynn Michaluk of WV Space Grant
Video Link:
Title: Communications Working Group Planning Meeting
Title: Communications Working Group Planning Meeting
Title: Preparing for the Microsoft GIVE Campaign for Space Grant
Flyer: June 2023 P3 Session Flyer 061223
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: June 2023 P3 – Comms WG Intro Slides
Presentation Slides: Microsoft GIVE Campaign_P3_6.12.23
Additional Content:
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg-MODixEfU
Title: Operations Manuals for Space Grant Program Management
Flyer: May 2023 P3 Session Flyer 050823
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: CommsWG-P3 May2023
Presentation Slides: P3_VTSGC_Manual
Additional Content: VT Space Grant Consortium Manual of Operations_share
Video Link: https://youtu.be/TMZAEPy4DVU
Title: Successfully Engaging Underrepresented Communities
Flyer: April 2023 P3 Session Flyer 04102023
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: CommsWG-P3 April 2023
Presentation Slides: INSG-NearSpaceEducation-BrandonPearson | Mary Lara AZ Space Grant
Additional Content:
Video Link: https://youtu.be/yihuv0cuX3M
No formal P3 session because of the Spring SG Mtg in DC. Content from the Communications Workshop is provided here:
1) NASA OSTEM Communications Workshop Slides
2) NASA STEM Calendar FY23 Look Ahead – Katherine Brown
3) Social Media Tip Sheet – Anne Marie Demme
4) Storytelling Tip Sheet – Kelly Calagna
Title: Creating & Using Logic Models (ME, MT, SD, VT Space Grants)
Flyer: February 2023 P3 Flyer Final
Presentation: Creating and Using Logic Models Examples from the Field
Logic Models: Montana Space Grant Logic Model Example & Montana Space Grant Logic Model Blank & Logic Model Examples from Maine & South Dakota Space Grant Logic Model Example & Steckelberg Sample Logic Model & Steckelberg Logic Model Templates
Logic Model Workbook: Online Logic Model Workbook from Innovation Network
Video Link: https://youtu.be/GgYVjYK2e-s
Title: Best Practices & Lessons Learned on All Things Finance
Flyer: January 2023 P3 Flyer
Shirley Campbell Services List NSGF
Christina Flynn, Montana SG Compensation for Students
Susie Johnson, ID SG, Space Grant Finance Survey
Video Link: https://youtu.be/qHWRrIHpkIk
Title: What to Expect on the Hill
Flyer: December P3 Flyer Final
Presentation: Preparing for the Hill by Mary Sandy, VA Space Grant
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_qK8P_d8pU
Title: Resources & Best Practices for Mentors
Presentation: Presentation_11.14.22-P3-Mentor-Resources
Video Link: https://youtu.be/IfmaN2Vjrxo
Title: DEIA — Next Steps for Space Grant
Flyer: June 2022 P3 Session Flyer
SG Comms WG Intro Slides: June 2022 P3 – DEIA — Next Steps for Space Grant
Presentation Slides: https://tinyurl.com/P3-22-DEIA-slides
Additional Content:
TedX Video: https://tinyurl.com/P3-DEIA-TedX
Google Jamboard: https://tinyurl.com/DEIA-p3-22
Video Link: Workshop Breakout rooms for this session, so no video.
Title: Robotics in K-12 Education
Video Link: https://youtu.be/tnMWHwEJIlU
Title: External Evaluation of Montana Space Grant Consortium
Video Link: https://youtu.be/thXw6Rr8MQE
Title: OEPM/Data Call Reporting Open House w/Mike Cherry
Video Link: https://youtu.be/GhxzjZ1gd_Y
Title: LaSPACE LaACES A Statewide Model for Student Ballooning
Video Link: https://youtu.be/FQ13eLDtOaQ
Title: Benefits of Expanding Your Connections to K-12 STEM Opportunities
Video Link: https://youtu.be/7MyjOLOXtdk
Title: NASA Space Grant Site Visits
Video Link: https://youtu.be/pSVyU1lv9hY
Title: SG Organizational Structure Panel
Video Link: https://youtu.be/HCOlZtfgk6o
Title: Online Grant Management Systems Panel
Video Link: https://youtu.be/6ncZpR2BRCY
Title: Virtual Precollege Student Academies / Enhancing Online Learning (VA SpaceGrant)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/uN6c6ko4kws
Title: Adventures in Creating / Facilitating a Remote How-to Workshop by Bernadette Garcia
Video Link: https://youtu.be/8qS8B8cnIXI
Title: How the AZSGC Transitioned to a Virtual Symposiums Featuring Michelle Coe, AZSGC
Video Link: https://youtu.be/xnaef5JiJ70