LaACES Student Ballooning Course

Welcome to the Louisiana Space Grant Consortium’s Louisiana Aerospace Catalyst Experiences for Students (LaACES) Program.

Part I – Basic Skills Building and Introduction to Basic Components

Part I of the LaACES SBC will introduce the participant to all the technical skills required to complete the LaACES MegaSAT program.  In addition to the technical skills building, this section will also introduce the participant to analytical analysis, documentation and public presentations. 

Unit 01 - Introduction to LaACES SBC

This session with provide all introductory materials to introduce you to the course.

Lecture 01.01: LaACES Introduction Presentation PDF Version | Powerpoint Version  | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 01.02: LaACES Lab Notebook Presentation  PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

LaACES Launch Video 05-04-2011

Unit 02 - Introduction to Electronics

This session is devoted to introducing basic electronic concepts and components to the student.  This session also includes an activity designed to introduce the students to basic electrical measurements and instrumentation.

Lecture 02.01: Introduction to Electronics PDF Version | Powerpoint VersionRecorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 02.02: Electronic Components  PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 02.03: Op Amp Basics  PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 02.01: Electrical Measurements and Instruments (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Unit 03 - Schematics, Prototyping, and Soldering Introduction

This session will introduce the student to the world of electrical schematics, prototyping an electrical layout, and soldering electrical components.     This session has 2 activities associated with it.

Lecture 03.01: Schematics and Prototyping  PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 03.02: Assembly Techniques  PDF Version | Powerpoint VersionRecorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 03.01: Soldering Tutorial (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 03.01: Reading Circuit Diagrams Part I (PDF)

Resource 03.02: Reading Circuit Diagrams Part 2 (PDF)

Resource 03.03: Reading Schematic Diagrams (PDF)

Unit 04 - SkeeterSAT Assembly and Operation

In this unit students will assemble and solder a working instrument using the provided materials. When completed they will have a circuit that measures temperature and light and outputs these in the form of an auditory signal (beeps).

Activity 04.01: SkeeterSat Inventory (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 04.02: SkeeterSat Assembly Manual (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 04.01: SkeeterSat Schematic (PDF)

Resource 04.02: SkeeterSat Partslist (PDF)

Resource 04.03: SkeeterSAT P8105 Photosensor Technote (PDF)

Unit 05 - SkeeterSAT Calibration and Reporting

In this unit students will perform a calibration of their SkeeterSats by exposing their temperature probe to temperature standard (water bath) and recording the output of their instrument(beeps). They will then generate a report of the results of their calibration in the form of a written document or oral presentation.

Activity 05.01: SkeeterSat Calibrations Activity (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 05.01: SkeeterSat Calibration Report Guidelines (PDF)

Resource 05.04: TLC556 Dual Timer Datasheet (PDF)

Resource 05.05: Thermistor Datasheet (PDF)

Resource 05.06: Thermistor Temperature vs Resistance Curves (PDF)

Example 05.01: Sample SkeeterSat Report (PDF)

Software 05.01: Spectrogram Software (ZIP)

The following lectures include a basic discussion of error analysis. While not required for the SkeeterSat report some teams may find the discussion useful.

Lecture 05.01: Errors and Uncertainty Part 1 PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 05.02: Error and Uncertainty Part 2 PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 05.02: Propagation of Errors Calculation (PDF)


SkeeterSAT Calibration Document Review

This unit is the first of multiple documents that are required during the course.  All students must document their process and detail the results of their work with the Skeetersat and its calibrations.  Advisors should review and provide comments to the students.  

Unit 06 - Introduction to Programming

Students are introduced to basic programming concepts such as binary, logical operations, loops, etc.

Lecture 06.01: Introduction to Programming PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 06.01: ASCII Table (PDF)

Unit 07 - Introduction to the Arduino Mega

Students are introduced to the Arduino Mega 2560, the microcontroller used for the remainder of the course. They will also install the Arduino Interactive Developer Environment(IDE) and perform their first simple programming activities.

Lecture 07.01: The Arduino Mega PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 07.02: Installing and Navigating the Arduino IDE  PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 07.01: Programming with the Arduino Activity (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 07.01: Activity Sample Code (ZIP)

Unit 08 - Introduction to Digital I/O

Students are introduced to simple single digital inputs and outputs and related concepts such as logic levels.

Lecture 08.01: Introduction to Digital IO PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 08.01: Arduino Mega Digital IO (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 08.01: Activity Sample Code (ZIP)

Unit 09 - Data Acquisition

Students learn the process of how physical quantities are transformed to electrical signals, as well as how those signals are then modified and amplified.

Lecture 09.01: Data Acquisition PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 10 - Studying Electrical Signals

Students are introduced to time varying signals both analog and digital. Students are also introduced to the use of oscilloscopes for signal analysis.

Lecture 10.01: Signal Waveforms and Synchronous Signals PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Activity 10.01: Using an Oscilloscope (PDF) | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 11 - Serial I/O Communications

Students are introduced to the protocols of digital device to device communication. They will also be introduced to implementing these protocols on the Arduino platform.

Lecture 11.01: Serial I/O Communications PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Activity 11.01: Communicating on the I2C Bus (PDF) | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Resource 11.01: I2C Sample Code (Zip)

Unit 12 - Analog to Digital Converters

Students learn about digitization of analog signals.

Lecture 12.01: Analog to Digital Converters PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Activity 12.01: Analog to Digital Converters (PDF) | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 13 - Expanding the Arduino Mega

Students are introduced to the capability of adding components to the Arduino through the use of shields or supplementary circuits.

Lecture 13.01: Expanding the Arduino Mega PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 14 - The Ultimate GPS Logger Shield: The GPS Component

Students are introduced to the Global Positioning System(GPS), typical outputs GPS units, and interfacing the Arduino with Adafruit GPS used in the course.

Lecture 14.01: The Global Positioning System PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Lecture 14.02: The Ultimate GPS Logger Shield – GPS PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Lecture 14:03: The Adafruit GPS Library PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Activity 14.01: Assembling the GPS Shield (PDF) | Recorded Session(YouTube) | Alternative Header Pin Style Assembly(YouTube)

Activity 14.02: GPS Programming Activity (PDF) | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Resource 14.01: NMEA Reference Document (PDF)

Resource 14.02: GPS_Code (ZIP)

Resource 14.03: PMTK Command Reference (PDF)

Unit 15 -The Ultimate GPS Logger Shield: The SD Component

Students are introduced to SD cards as storage devices and the use of Adafruit SD shield.

Lecture 15.01: The Ultimate GPS Logger Shield – SD PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 15.02: Memory Devices PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 15.01: Logging data to the SD Card Part 1(PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Activity 15.02: Logging data to the SD Card Part 2 (PDF) | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 15.01: SD Logging Code (ZIP)

Resource 15.02: 2024 Changes to SD Card Shield

Resource Link: SD Card Format Utility

Unit 16 - Capstone Project and Report

Combining the lessons learned in previous units students will breadboard a simple temperature sensor. They will amplify that signal, read the data using an Arduino, and write calibrated data to a data record on the SD card. All of this will be documented in the written report to be submitted to LaACES management.

Activity 16.01: Sensors and Signal Conditionings (PDF) |Recorded Session(YouTube)

Activity 16.02: Capstone Report : Sensors Interface and Calibration Report (PDF)

Resource 16.04: AD820 Op Amp Datasheet (PDF)

Resource 16.06: TLV271 Op Amp Datasheet (PDF)

Resource 16.05: Sample Capstone Report(PDF)

Part II – Developing a Payload

Part II of this course will focus on developing the actual flight payload.  This section will not only focus on physically designing, building, testing and flying the payload but will also devote a considerable amount of time on team management, project management, and documenting and defending the complete payload.  

Unit 17: Guide to Oral Presentations

Students are introduced to techniques for creating presentations. Both oral and visual communications skills are addressed with the intention that students apply these techniques to present the data logging system they created in the previous unit.

Lecture 17.01: A Guide to Oral Presentations PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 18: Sample Payload Ideas

The LaACES MegaSAT system is designed to allow additional experiments to be added to the flight system.  This Unit provides a basic introduction to the MegaSAT board, the flight requirements that all payloads are mandated to follow and some possible ideas for additional areas of study.  First time groups are encouraged to work with the basic MegaSAT system and not add additional complexity to their first payload. 

Estimated Unit Completion Time: 1 hour

Lecture 18.01: Student Payloads Ideas PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Unit 19: Introduction to LaACES SBC Part II

This unit will introduce participants to Part II of the LaACES SBC.   Part II will cover the documentation and construction of the flight payload.   

Lecture 19.01: Introduction to LaACES SBC part II PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 20 - Working in Groups

This unit will introduce to the participants how working as a team is vital for developing a successful scientific payload.  The attached activity will require the group to create a Team Contract to govern the team’s actions during their work developing the payload. 

Activity 20.01: Developing the Team Contract (PDF)

Unit 21 - Introduction to Project Management

This unit will be the first of several units covering how to properly manage a project.  This unit will cover lifecycle management and required documentation for the payload program.  

Lecture 21.01: Project Management Lifecycle and Documentation PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session(YouTube)

Unit 22 - Project Management: Requirements

This project management unit will cover methods of determining and documenting project requirements.  

Lecture 22.01: Basics of Requirements PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 22.02: Writing Requirements PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 22.03: Change Management PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Resource 22.01: Writing Good Requirements (PDF)

Unit 23 - Project Management: System Design

This project management unit will cover system design requirements and specifications. 

Lecture 23.01: System Design PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 23.02: Drawing System Diagrams PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Unit 24 - Project Management: Tasks, Costs, and Scheduling

This project management unit will discuss task management and cost analysis needed to properly manage a project.  The participant will learn how to create a timeline, manage task assignments and develop a cost estimate for the program. 

Lecture 24.01: Tasks & Costs PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 24.02: Working with MS Project PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 24.02b: Working with LibreProject (Open Source Alternative) PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Lecture 24.03: Building a  Project Schedule PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Unit 25 - Project Management: Introduction to Flowcharts

Flowcharts charts are a vital tool in developing the operational process flow of a payload and a complete software design.  This unit will introduce and present basic flowchart techniques and tools.  

Lecture 25.01:  Basics of Flowcharts PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Lecture (YouTube)

Resource 25.01: Sample Flowchart and subroutine (ZIP)

Unit 26 - Project Management: Risk Management

This unit discusses project risks and risk management and how to develop and document a complete risk management plan. 

Lecture 26.01: Risk Management PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Session (YouTube)

Pre-PDR and PDR

The Pre-PDR document details the initial investigative steps for the design of the project. This document focuses on the payload mission goal, science background, objectives, and requirements and technical background, objectives, and requirements.

The PDR includes all the results of the preliminary design phase of the project. The PDR should present a basic understanding of the goals and objectives of the project, the science background and requirements, a Preliminary System design, conceptual hardware and software designs, preliminary task list and work schedule including information on resources and long-lead items, and a preliminary risk assessment and management plan.

Video Walkthrough of pre-PDR and PDR templates

Link to Templates:

Pre-PDR Template

PDR Template

Unit 27 - Introduction to the MegaSAT Development Board

This unit introduces the MegaSAT Development board and its assembly manual.  In addition, there is an activity for training in SMD soldering which will be required for the construction of the the MegaSAT board.   

Lecture 27.01: The MegaSat Development Board PDF Version | Powerpoint Version | Recorded Lecture(YouTube)

Activity 27.01: MegaSat Assembly Manual (PDF) | MegaSat Assembly Playlist (YouTube)

Activity 27.02: SMD Soldering Techniques (PDF) | Soldering Video (YouTube)

Unit 28 - MegaSAT: Real Time Clock, Gyroscope and Accelerometer

This unit introduces the various components that are integrated into the MegaSAT board.  The associated activity will demonstrate the serial communication between the MegaSAT and components with the Arduino Mega.  

Lecture 28.01: Real Time Clock and Gyroscope-Accelerometer PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Unit 29 - Payload Mechanical Design and Construction

This unit will discuss designing and building the payload external structure.

Lecture 29.01: LaACES Balloon Vehicle and Flight Profile PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Lecture 29.02: Mechanical Design Guidelines PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Lecture 29.03: Payload Construction Considerations & Techniques PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Lecture 29.04: Constructing an ACES cube payload PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Lecture 29.05: Constructing an ACES octagon payload PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Activity 29.01: Constructing a Structure with XPS foam (PDF)

Unit 30 - Power Systems

This unit will introduce the students to simple power systems and then move into greater detail on the power systems that can be used with the Arduino Mega and the MegaSAT system.

Lecture 30.01: Simple Power Systems    PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Lecture 30.02: Batteries and Battery Packs  PDF Version | Powerpoint Version

Activity 30.01: Power Systems and Budgets (PDF)

Thermal Vacuum Testing at LSU

LaACES Flight teams are usually invited to the LSU campus to undergo a full thermal (-50C to 50C) and vacuum test (10mbar) to simulate the extreme flight environment that payloads will experience during the flight.  This is a full day of testing.  After the test is complete, attending groups will present their results to LaACES staff.   Thermal vacuum testing is required for a successful Flight Readiness Review.   Thermal vacuum testing at LSU is usually scheduled for the middle of April during a normal flight schedule. 

Flight Operations

This last unit goes over all flight operations planning for the LaACES balloon launches. This will usually detail all launch week activities, including presentation schedules, integration and launch day planning, and recovery operations.  

Unit 31 - Flight Operations

This last unit goes over all flight operations planning for the LaACES balloon launches. This will usually detail all launch week activities, including presentation schedules, integration and launch day planning, and recovery operations.