HASP 2023 HASP 2022 HASP 2021 HASP 2019 HASP 2018 HASP 2017 HASP 2016 HASP 2015 HASP 2014 HASP 2013 HASP 2012 HASP 2011 HASP 2010 HASP 2009 HASP 2008 HASP 2007 HASP 2006

Payload 12 Information

Payload Flight Number:

2018 - 12

University of Houston
Payload Title:

SORA – Stratospheric Organisms and Radiation Analyzer

Student Leader:
  • Samuel A. Garcia Morelos
  • Physics
  • 25915 Pepper Bend Lane
  • Katy,Tx 77494
  • Email:samuel.morelos@gmail.com
Faculty Advisor:
  • Dr. Andrew Renshaw
  • Physics
  • University of Houston
  • SR1 406B
  • University of Houston
  • Houston, Tx 77204
  • Email:arenshaw@central.uh.edu
Payload class:
Payload ID Number:
Serial Commands:
Discrete Commands:
Payload Specification & Integration Plan
Due: 06/22/2018
Payload Integration Certification
Scheduled: 07/27/2018
Flight Operation Plan
Due: 07/19/2018
Final Flight / Science Report
Due: 12/07/2018
The SORA 2.0 payload will again sample for the existence of microorganisms and bacterial spores in the upper atmosphere. This mission will build upon the first SORA mission in 2017, and help confirm previous findings using a further developed capture system. Furthermore, the payload will study various aspects of the surrounding environment such as radiation exposure, temperature, pressure and humidity. The payload has three main scientific objectives. First, build upon and further develop a novel system that will isolate surrounding air and sample for cells. Second, an on-board MiniPIX USB silicon sensor will analyze exposure to cosmic radiation that microorganisms may encounter. Finally, a mature version of RESU (Realtime Environmental Sensing Unit) will monitor the environmental conditions such as temperature, pressure, and humidity. The payload design will take advantage of additive manufacturing and hobby electronics in its construction to provide an accessible basis for future missions and explore the bounds of the technology available.
Payload Integration Plan: