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Payload 10 Information

Payload Flight Number:

2012 - 10

University of Colorado at Boulder
Payload Title:

HELIOS (Hydrogen-alpha Exploration with Long Infrared Observation Systems of The Sun

Student Leader:
  • Gabrielle Massone
  • Colorado Space Grant Consortium
  • 520 UCB
  • Room 270 - Discovery Learning Center
  • Boulder,CO 80309-0520
  • Email:Gabrielle.massone@colorado.edu
  • Cell:(970) 769-3552
Faculty Advisor:
  • Lia Matthews
  • Colorado Space Grant Consortium
  • 520 UCB
  • Room 270 - Discovery Learning Center
  • Boulder, CO 80309-0520
  • Email:Lia.matthews@colorado.edu
  • Office:(303) 492-1083
  • Cell:(720) 839-0962
  • Fax:(303) 492-5456
Payload class:
Payload ID Number:
17.4 kg
2.0 A
Serial Commands:
Yes, Not Specified
Discrete Commands:
Not Specified
Payload Specification & Integration Plan
Due: 06/22/2012
Payload Integration Certification
Scheduled: 08/03/2012
Flight Operation Plan
Due: 07/30/2012
Final Flight / Science Report
Due: 12/14/2012
Team HELIOS recognizes the unparalleled opportunities offered by balloon flights for research and experimentation. HASP is especially unique in its scale and facilities available for student purposes. To maximize float-time research, Team HELIOS proposes to observe the Sun in the Hydrogen-Alpha and Infrared wavelengths utilizing customized optics and an Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS). Through post-flight analysis of images in these wavelengths, valuable data on solar phenomena can be ascertained and the accuracy of the ADCS verified. High-altitude balloon platforms provide an incredibly accessible location for astronomical observatories, avoiding both the crippling costs of orbiting satellites and the atmospheric interference of ground based operations. The team is comprised of a Project Manager, Systems Engineer, and four Section Heads, along with Project Advisor Lia Matthews and CASA Director James Green. Over the course of nine months, Team HELIOS shall meticulously design, construct, and test a Large 20kg payload capable of assessing the feasibility of these systems in the rugged high-altitude environment.
Payload Integration Plan:

Science Report: