HASP 2023 HASP 2022 HASP 2021 HASP 2019 HASP 2018 HASP 2017 HASP 2016 HASP 2015 HASP 2014 HASP 2013 HASP 2012 HASP 2011 HASP 2010 HASP 2009 HASP 2008 HASP 2007 HASP 2006

Payload 06 Information

Payload Flight Number:

2018 - 06

SDSMT / Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF)
Payload Title:

SDSMT / Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF)

Student Leader:
  • Jacob Fonkert
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • SDSMT – ME
  • 501 East Saint Joseph St.
  • Rapid City,SD 57701
  • Email:Jacob.Fonkert@mines.sdsmt.edu
Faculty Advisor:
  • Jason Ash
  • Mechanical Eng
  • SDSMT – ME
  • 501 East Saint Joseph St.
  • Rapid City, SD 75501
  • Email:Jason.ash@sdsmt.edu
Payload class:
Payload ID Number:
Serial Commands:
Discrete Commands:
Payload Specification & Integration Plan
Due: 06/22/2018
Payload Integration Certification
Scheduled: 07/27/2018
Flight Operation Plan
Due: 07/19/2018
Final Flight / Science Report
Due: 12/07/2018
The primary objective of this project is to design a cosmic ray detector capable of measuring primary cosmic ray particles first in a standard weather balloon, then in HASP, and ultimately, in a CubeSat mission. The ionizing particles that are caught in the Earth’s magnetic field and bombard the upper atmosphere effect everything from weather to electronics on board aircraft. Understanding the particles and their reactions with the atmosphere are important. When solar activity is at a minimum, as it is currently, a greater portion of the primary particles come from outside the solar system. These galactic cosmic rays can be as heavy as iron and range to higher energies than particles in the solar wind. They are quite interesting scientifically. The payload under development by the Sun Catchers team is modeled after the Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) experiment on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission [1]. The South Dakota Catching Rays payload will consist of two silicon diode detectors, one thin and one thick, configured as a telescope. In addition to the silicon telescope, the payload will also contain a Geiger counter for detecting secondary gamma rays, and sensor data that records atmospheric conditions.
Payload Integration Plan: