The Senior Design Project Support Program is meant to offer supplemental funding in support of high-level student-led research and design projects conducted under the auspices of a formal Senior Design or Capstone Course. Projects must show clear relevance to NASA’s mission and ongoing research at one or more of the NASA centers and be clearly aligned with research under the umbrella of one or more of the four mission directorates. This funding source is meant to supplement the cost of materials and supplies and/or travel for competitions related to such formally established senior design projects/courses. Senior Design subawards will be issued as 9.5 month awards with a standard Period of Performance being used for all of our programs offered for 2025-2026, 08/15/2025-05/31/2026.
While a single PI may submit proposals to support multiple projects, our objective is to serve a diverse set of disciplines and campuses, so we may not be able to fund more than one project per PI. Please rank order multiple proposals so we can consider your funding request in order of your preference.
Proposal Submissions
Download Link (Word Document): LaSPACE_SeniorDesign_Proposal_Guidelines_2025-2026
Download Link (PDF Document): LaSPACE_SeniorDesign_Proposal_Guidelines_2025-2026