The LaSPACE Research Enhancement Awards (REA) Program is intended to provide support for faculty (and students) at LaSPACE member institutions, particularly aimed at the emerging researcher or an established researcher who wishes to pursue new research directions, for the development of projects, contacts, and collaborations that will bring Louisiana scientists into the mainstream of NASA related research activity, thereby increasing their chances to successfully compete in the aerospace R&D marketplace. As with all LaSPACE Programs, minority participation is strongly encouraged. The REA Program is funded by state matching funds, through the Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund. The awards are intended to develop expertise and to contribute to research competitiveness. However, awards are not intended purely to support faculty salaries or student stipends. It is anticipated (and advised) that students will be involved in REA projects, but the overriding goal is the development of research capabilities and infrastructure in support of the country’s space/aerospace endeavors. In that regard, contacts/collaborations/ties to NASA centers and NASA researchers are strongly encouraged.
Program Summary
Proposal Submissions
2025-2026 REA Proposal Guidelines Coming Soon!
Download Link (Word Document): LaSPACE_REA_Proposal_Guidelines_2025-2026
Download Link (PDF Document): LaSPACE_REA_Proposal_Guidelines_2025-2026