Headshot of Colleen H Fava. She is wearing a blue shirt with a while laspace logo and is smiling at the camera.

Colleen H. Fava

LaSPACE Director

Colleen H. Fava is the Director of the Louisiana Space Grant and NASA EPSCoR programs (LaSPACE) headquartered at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA. She joined the LaSPACE team as Program Manager in 2012 and was promoted to Assistant Director in 2018. Colleen's degrees and professional experience are primarily in writing and communications. She has taught composition, creative writing, and literature at the college level, served as editor of two magazines, has worked in business development, proposal writing, and marketing in private industry, and has developed and run discipline-driven communications curriculum with university faculty members in STEM disciplines. Colleen has primary responsibility for developing and implementing program opportunities for the LA NASA Space Grant portfolio and under the NASA EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Development (RID) award. Recently developed Space Grant programs include an undergraduate research program funded in partnership with Louisiana Sea Grant, a scholarship program for undergraduate student retention in STEM with a focus on professional development activities, and a research fellowship for graduate students jointly funded by LA Sea Grant and in partnership with the Space and Sea Grant programs in North Carolina. On the national level, Colleen serves as co-chair of the National Space Grant Directors' Communications Working Group, runs a monthly webinar series for the national space grant community, and helps facilitate national online discussions and workshops for NASA EPSCoR researchers throughout the country. In 2025 she was elected to sit on the National EPSCoR/IDeA Coalition Board. Colleen is highly committed to her community and is usually on at least one volunteer committee or board. As of 2024, Colleen is Chair of the Board of Directors of STAR, an organization which serves victims of sexual violence. Colleen is married to her best friend, Jerry Peck; adores her stepchildren, Abby and Owen; and is a devoted pet-mom to two cats, Mr. Smartypants and Sophia Belle Babypants, and the world’s best doggy, Chuckleberry Hound.

Doug Granger

Doug Granger

Acting Assistant Director

Bio Coming Soon dgrang2@lsu.edu

Aaron Ryan

Program Manager: Student Flight Programs & Outreach

Bio Coming Soon aryan21@lsu.edu

Jonathan Smith

Program Coordinator

Bio Coming Soon jsmith34@lsu.edu

LaSPACE Director Greg Guzik wearing a red LaSPACE shirt and smiling at the camera.

T. Gregory Guzik

Director Emeritus