International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics
<<Maurice M. Shapiro>>
21st Course: Astroparticle Physics: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
1-7 August, 2018
1-7 August, 2018
Presenters and Topics
Senior Participants | Title/Abstract |
Egberts, Kathrin (CV) DE | The High-Energy End of the Cosmic-Ray Electron Spectrum |
Morselli, Aldo (CV) Italy | New results from the Fermi Large Area Telescope and future perspectives in high-energy gammaray
astronomy |
Contributor | Title/Abstract |
Andrianavalomahefa, Arnaud | Dark Matter search with the FUNK experiment |
Avila, Daniel | Observation of radio galaxies with HAWC |
Bakalova, Alena | Effects of Galactic Magnetic Field on Arrival Directions of Cosmic Rays |
Biehl , Daniel | Combined source-propagation models for describing the origin of both UHECRs and neutrinos |
Bouchachi, Dallel | Propagation of ultra high energy cosmic rays with CRPropa |
Chandra, Sunil | Highlights from AstroSat, Indian Space Based Multi-wavelength Observatory |
Cheminant , Kevin Almeida | Gamma/Hadron classification in photon-initiated super-preshowers using multivariate analysis: application to simulations for future Cherenkov Telescope Array |
Chernykh, Darla | Towards the Combined Analysis of Cosmic-ray Experiments in Tunka Valley
Doghmane, Rahima | Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays from very high energy gamma-ray sources |
Fedorova, Elena | Detailed investigation of the X-ray properties of radio loud Sy1 AGN 3C120 |
Friedman, Elizabeth | Searching for Astrophysical Neutrinos Coincident with Gamma-Ray Bursts with IceCube |
Gonzalez Hernandez, Emma | Unfolding Method for charge and momentum of atmospheric muons |
Guedes Lang, Rodrigo | Lorentz Invariance Violation on Astrophysics |
Hampel-Arias, Zigfried | Cosmic ray observations at the TeV scale with the HAWC Observatory |
Hernandez Cadena, Sergio | High-energy gamma-ray emission induced by cosmic rays in Galaxy Clusters |
Inada, Tomohiro | Optical System Construction for the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of CTA |
Kazarina, Yuliya | TAIGA Experiment for cosmic rays and Gamma-ray Astronomy |
Khandelwal, Rishabh | Design Considerations for the Askaryan Radio Array |
Leszczynska, Agnieszka | Simulation study for the IceTop enhancement with a scintillation array
Liu, Qinrui | Stacking Search for Neutrinos from Pulsar Wind Nebula |
Merten, Lukas | The transition between Galactic and extra-galactic cosmic rays |
Morejon, Leonel | The impact of nuclear physics on the UHECR and neutrino production |
Parra, Alejandra | Studies of Multiplicity and Response Functions to Low-energy Simulations for Cosmic Rays |
Phan, Vo Hong Minh | Cosmic-ray ionization in diffuse molecular clouds |
Pont, Bjarni | Xmax Reconstruction with Radio Detection at AERA |
Rivera-Rangel , David | Tests of high energy hadronic interaction models using the data of the KASCADE-Grande Cosmic Ray Observatory
Ryan, Aaron | CALET Energy Spectrum of Cosmic-Ray Electrons from 10 GeV to 3 TeV |
Schutte, Hester | Modeling the Spectral Energy Distribution and Polarisation of Blazars |
Seglar Arroyo, Monica | AMON coincidence analysis of sub-threshold events from HAWC and LIGO-Virgo |
Serna, Jose | Indirect Search of Dark Matter in Dwarf Irregular Galaxies with the HAWC Observatory |
Surajbali, Pooja | Gamma/Hadron Separation using distribution of light in HAWC tanks |
Sushchov, Oleksandr | Cosmic-ray extremely distributed observatory (CREDO) monitor: a tool for a global cosmic-ray data analysis |
Tolksdorf, Tobias | Cosmic Ray Propagation in Super Bubbles |
Tomita, Sara | Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Relativistic Shocks Propagating into the Inhomogeneous Media |
Valverde, Janeth | Long-term studies of the TeV blazar 1ES 1215+303 |
Vizcarra Ventura, Cynthia | Study of angular deflections of nuclei coming from nearby starburst galaxies |
Western, Emma | Gamma-ray Analysis with the CALET Calorimeter |
Wojtowicz, Anna | Jet production efficiency in the sample of the youngest radio galaxies |
Yue, Chuan | Cosmic-Ray Proton Analysis with DAMPE Experiment |
Zehrer, Lukas | Developing a real time photon search for AMON with the Pierre Auger Observatory |
Zorn, Justus | CHEC - a Cherenkov camera prototype for the small-size telescopes of CTA |